Grace Hamilton

What horse got you interested in the Thoroughbred industry?

American Pharoah. I had always wanted to see a Triple Crown winner, so his win in the Belmont Stakes was what turned me from a casual annual Kentucky Derby viewer into someone with a passion for the industry.

Why did you apply for the Godolphin Flying Start scholarship?

I first learned about the scholarship in 2018 on a tour at Godolphin’s Jonabell Farm in Lexington, Kentucky, and it opened my eyes to the opportunities in the international Thoroughbred racing and breeding industry. Over the last six years, my interest in the course never wavered as I view it as an unparalleled educational experience. The opportunity to grow professionally over two years, traveling to five different countries and learning hands-on at the highest level was something that greatly appealed to me. As someone that wants to develop as a leader and continue sharing the industry with others, I decided to apply, and I am very honored to have been selected for the scholarship.

Have you any siblings?

I have one younger brother, Drew, who is completing an education degree in California. We are very close, but he has absolutely zero interest in horses.

What are your hobbies and interests?

In my spare time, I like to go on long walks in nature to clear my mind and enjoy the scenery. I am also interested in music and travel. I rode hunt seat horses for around ten years before college and that is something I would like to get back into eventually.

What did you think you will miss most about home while you travel through each of the five phases?

For me, I without a doubt would say my friends in Kentucky. During my time in college, I was lucky enough to develop friendships with some really special people, so being near them is what I knew I would miss the most during my time in countries other than the United States.