Quality Assurance Policy

Quality Assurance Policy


Godolphin Flying Start is a dynamic community of trainees and management committed to performing at the highest standards. The programme’s aim is to provide a stimulating and innovative environment for teaching, learning. The programme wishes to assure quality teaching, learning and service delivery through a regular review and improvement process. Its approach to quality assurance and quality enhancement, as set out in this policy, is to learn from best practice, locally and internationally. Quality enhancement is the process of continuous improvement.

Godolphin Flying Start in cooperation with accrediting bodies is responsible for the academic standards of awards made in its name, and for ensuring that the quality of learning experiences is adequate and appropriate, to enable students to achieve these standards. In order to discharge those responsibilities, Godolphin Flying Start has a range of systems and procedures for assuring and enhancing the academic standards of awards and the quality of its educational provision. These mechanisms include:


  • Regular Peer Review of Academic and Support Units

(University College Dublin – Godolphin Flying Start)


  • Robust programme approval and curriculum review processes

(Godolphin Flying Start Board members – Godolphin Flying Start)


  • Robust approval, monitoring and review of collaborative taught programme arrangements (University College Dublin – Godolphin Flying Start)


  • Module evaluation

(Trainee feedback – Godolphin Flying Start)


  • External Examiner Reports

(University College Dublin, University of Kentucky, Macquarie University Graduate Business School  – Godolphin Flying Start)


  • Systematic student participation and feedback in QA/QE processes

(Trainee phase and course feedback – Godolphin Flying Start)


  • Regular review of QA/QE processes

(Trainee weekly journals feedback – Godolphin Flying Start)