Latest Intake of Godolphin Flying Start trainees commence the 2020 – 2022 programme at Kildangan Stud

 The 2020-2022 Godolphin Flying Start trainees arrived at Kildangan Stud on Monday 17th August to commence their two-year scholarship within the Thoroughbred industry. The first two weeks of the course took place remotely while trainees travelling from overseas completed their 14 days quarantine, in line with COVID-19 guidelines.

This week marked the first occasion when all twelve trainees, made up of six men and six women representing Australia, France, Ireland, the UK and the USA, were able to meet in person and with members of the Godolphin Flying Start management team. The team have completed ICT and Communications training and begun their Equine Anatomy and Physiology module at UCD (University College Dublin) online.

Trainees shall also complete a short course at RACE (Racing Academy and Centre of Education) before commencing practical work rotations at Kildangan Stud with the yearlings. In addition, the coming weeks shall include various lectures and visits with industry professionals who have very kindly agreed to give up their time.

Godolphin Flying Start Executive Director, Clodagh Kavanagh, said;

“We are delighted to be able to welcome twelve new trainees to Kildangan for the start of their two-year education in the Thoroughbred industry. It is fantastic that we have been able stick to our timetable despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and we are incredibly grateful to all of our partners who have helped to make this happen. They are an enthusiastic and talented team of trainees and we are looking forward to the next two years.”

Trainee Tommy Lyon-Smith from Devon in the South West of England is looking forward to expanding his world view on the industry and said;

“Godolphin Flying Start is the best opportunity to learn and progress within the thoroughbred industry. I am extremely grateful to the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed for creating this scholarship to develop talent within horseracing. I look forward to fully experiencing the global thoroughbred industry and seeing aspects of the business that I have not been exposed to.”