Safeguarding Policy  

Safeguarding Policy




1.1          Godolphin Flying Start is committed to ensuring the welfare of trainees who are at risk while they are on the programme, including at practical rotations and externships. It is expected that all those who work with Godolphin Flying Start share this commitment and will maintain appropriate standards and behaviour when dealing with trainees at risk.


1.2          Safeguarding means protecting people at risk from harm or neglect. It is everyone’s responsibility to do this. Safeguarding is a key governance priority under the terms of the UK Charities Commission.


1.3          Adults at risk means anyone aged 18 or over who is, or may be, unable to take care of him/herself or who is unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or exploitation by reason of a mental health problem, a learning or physical disability, a sensory impairment, age or illness or disease.


1.4          Harm is the consequence of any form of ill treatment that adversely affects physical or mental health, or intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development. It can include:


1.4.1      Sexual abuse – this occurs when a person at risk is forced, persuaded or encouraged to take part in sexual activities to which they have not consented and may not understand. It does not have to involve physical contact.


1.4.2      Physical abuse – this is deliberately causing physical harm to an adult at risk. The person does not have to have an injury to have experienced physical abuse.


1.4.3      Emotional abuse – this is the persistent emotional mistreatment of an adult at risk so as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on emotional development. It can include bullying, scaring or humiliation.


1.4.4      Financial abuse – this includes fraud, exploitation or pressure in connection with the finances of an adult at risk, or misusing or wrongly taking their property, possessions or benefits.


1.4.5      Neglect – this is the failure to meet an adult at risk’s basic physical and/or psychological needs in a way that is likely to result in serious impairment of their health or development. Self-Neglect is when a person neglects their own basic physical or psychological needs in this way.


1.5          Whilst all forms of harm will be taken seriously, harm that is motivated by, or involves reference to ethnic origin, nationality, colour, race, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or disability will be treated as a particularly serious matter.


1.6          Safeguarding is the responsibility of coordinators in each country the programme takes place and management will be informed of issues relating to safeguarding.




2.1          Recognising potential signs of harm or abuse is very important. Signs of abuse are not always obvious and someone suffering harm or abuse may be reluctant to seek help. They may not even realise that what is happening to them is abuse.



2.2          Potential indicators of abuse include the following.


2.2.1      Drinking alcohol frequently and excessively or engaging in substance abuse.


2.2.2      Secrecy and a reluctance to share information.


2.2.3      Challenging or disruptive behaviour.


2.2.4      Lacking social skills and having no or few friends.


2.2.5      Frequent injuries, or injuries that are inconsistent with the person’s lifestyle and which they cannot explain.


2.2.6      Subdued or changed behaviour in the presence of a particular person.


2.2.7      The uncharacteristic use of explicit sexual language or significant changes in sexual behaviour or attitude.


2.2.8      Poor concentration, withdrawal, sleep disturbance.


2.2.9      Low self-esteem or low confidence.


2.2.10    Tearfulness or other signs of distress.


2.2.11    Poor appearance, weight loss, recurring illnesses or infections.




3.1          Concerns about harm or abuse should not be ignored. Individuals who become aware of another’s concern should:


3.1.1      Reassure the person who has made them aware of the concern.


3.1.2      Listen carefully to what they are told and, where possible, document it in writing.


3.1.3      Ask questions if clarification is required.


3.1.4      Explain that they will need to report the concerns to others and explain who those others might be.


3.1.5      Not approach the alleged abuser unless circumstances make this necessary.


3.1.6      Maintain confidentiality – do not discuss the concern with others except where necessary to report the concerns to an appropriate person.


3.2          Concerns about harm or abuse should, in most cases, be reported to the local coordinator or management. In an emergency, or if it is suspected that a crime has been committed, the police may be the most appropriate body to which concerns should first be reported.


3.3          The local coordinator will accurately record the concerns, asking non-leading questions to clarify the report, focusing on the facts and distinguishing between what the person knows first hand and what he or she has been told by others. This information will be recorded and stored securely and will be accessible only to those who need to access it as part of action to resolve the concerns.


3.4          The local coordinator will treat reports of concerns in confidence and will only share them on a strict ‘need to know’ basis where this is in the interests of preventing harm to any trainee at risk. The local coordinator will explain that they may need to report the concern to others, explain who those others might be, and seek agreement to share information unless it is unsafe or inappropriate to do so.




4.1          The local coordinator will take all allegations of harm or abuse seriously and respond swiftly and appropriately.


4.1.1      In an emergency, or if it is suspected that a crime has been committed, the local coordinator will refer the concerns directly to the police and to Godolphin Flying Start management.


4.2          Conduct which is or might be harmful to trainees at risk will be challenged and dealt with in an appropriate and proportionate manner.


4.3          The local coordinator and Godolphin Flying Start management will make efforts to support all of those involved in safeguarding cases, including any affected trainees at risk, the person reporting the concerns, and the person accused of wrongdoing. They will make all involved aware of the procedure being followed and the expected time scales.


4.4          We will do all we reasonably can to ensure that individuals who raise a matter of concern can do so without fear of victimisation, discrimination or other disadvantage. Subjecting someone to disadvantage on the basis that he or she has raised, or is believed to have raised, a safeguarding concern will be treated as a disciplinary issue under the Godolphin Flying Start disciplinary policy.




5.1          Godolphin Flying Start will take appropriate steps to seek to ensure that any persons employed, engaged or instructed to work with or alongside any trainee at risk is suitable for such work. In particular wherever reasonably practicable we will:


5.1.1      Ensure that new recruits are aware of this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct, the BHA Safeguarding Policy, Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Regulations, and any relevant guidance.


5.1.2     Ensure that all local coordinators and management complete Mental Health First Aid training and             understand the safeguarding policy and reporting process.